Roof racks are a simple solution to carrying luggage, creating more space in the car for you and your passengers. But it won’t seem such a boon if the rack or your belongings spill over the road, damaging your car and risking a nasty accident. These tips should give you peace of mind while driving with your roof rack.
Check it over. Inspect your roof rack before you start loading it. Read More»
If you do a lot of driving in your 4x4, then you will know how challenging road conditions can be across Australia, especially in inclement conditions. Consequently, you want to see and be seen at all times and may be considering the addition of some special driving lights to help you achieve this. However, you may be confused due to the proliferation of posts on social media forums and not be sure what’s allowable in the regulations. Read More»
Standard auto accessories and upholstery are mass-produced which means that when you purchase your car, the interior is likely to look the same as thousands of other cars you see on the road. If you have recently bought a car and you want to create a unique look, you may be looking for inspiration. Have you ever considered making your car into the ideal drive-in-movie automobile? Below is a guide to 3 steps you can take to make your motor the perfect place to kick back and relax while watching a movie. Read More»
If you want to purchase new seat covers for your vehicle, consider choosing sheepskin products. The material is cushiony and soft, so it will promote comfort for you and your passengers. The plush feel is particularly ideal if you suffer physical strain after driving. Sheepskin is thermostatic, which means that it varies its temperature according to the environment. Basically, the wool fibres will allow free air circulation in warm conditions for a cooler feel, and the same will trap air during cold seasons to preserve warmth. Read More»
Adding a canopy or awning to your trailer can make camping and living outdoors more enjoyable overall. A canopy can offer you protection from both the sun and the rain, and also help keep bugs and insects away when you’re cooking. When shopping for a canopy or awning, you have a lot of different varieties from which to choose, so note a few simple tips for ensuring you get the right type for your trailer and camping needs. Read More»